By: Cave Spelunking
If you're not a caving enthusiast, it's easy to understand why you would ask why people go caving. I must admit that looking from the outside in, caving does look just a bit, well, screwbally. Why would anybody strap ropes around themselves lower themselves into a hole and crawl around underground on PURPOSE?
Okay, and putting it like that makes it sound more than a little odd. But unless you've ever experienced the thrill of crawling through a tight passageway and emerging into an underground cathedral of amazing proportions and amazing beauty, you probably can't understand the attraction. However, I DARE you to try it just once and NOT get hooked!
Caving is adventure in its highest form. The world that lies beneath our feet is every bit as exotic as visiting another planet might be. It's a foreign world that holds mysteries and secrets. You never know what you are going to see next.
Creatures that live in caves are so totally adapted to life in the dark that they would die if they were exposed to sunlight. There are rock formations down there that you are never going to see anywhere above the ground; stalactites and stalagmites that will blow your mind, moon milk, helictites, gypsum flowers, and so much more.
You might find prehistoric campfire sites, and pottery or pieces of pottery that's been laying there for a million years. You could find cave art that was left by men that lived before recorded history. You just never know what you are going to find.
Yes, it does start by tying a rope on, lowering yourself into a hole in the ground, and crawling through small tight passages. It's the way to get really dirty that's the most fun you'll ever have. Adventure! That's the best answer for why people go caving.
Rock On & Keep Spelunking...
Cave Spelunking.
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