By: Cave Spelunking
Can you imagine living in a totally dark environment your entire life? That is exactly what troglobites do. Troglobite is an all-inclusive name that defines a group of insects, animals, and fish that live deep within the bowels of the earth in caves that no ray of sunlight ever has ever penetrated or ever will penetrate.
Many troglobites are completely unique to only one cave. These little creatures exist nowhere else on (or in) the Earth. They've evolved and developed the attributes necessary to not only live but thrive and multiply in the very specific and entirely unique environment of ONE cave.
Troglobites have highly developed senses of smell, taste, and vibration detection. Those are the senses that are needed to live in a world of total darkness.
While the senses of smell, taste, and vibration detection have gotten stronger, sight has disappeared entirely. There's not much point of eyesight in total darkness. There isn't even any point of having eyes that can't be used to see. So Mother Nature developed the senses that would allow troglobites to exist in darkness and removed totally useless sight. Most troglobites don't just have blind eyes; they have no eyes at all.
In the animal kingdom, coloring has a purpose. Sometimes the coloring of animals is used to make them less easily seen by other animals that would have them for lunch. However, in the depths of a cave, where there is no light, color has no use at all. So Mother Nature deemed color unnecessary. Most troglobites are albino — that is, they have no skin pigment and thus no color at all.
The fish, salamanders, crayfish, insects, and spiders that have adapted and live out their entire lives in total darkness are of particular interest to biologists as they provide insights into biological processes and evolution.
Rock On & Keep Spelunking...
Cave Spelunking.
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