By: Cave Spelunking
People have apparently been fascinated by caves since prehistoric times. In earlier times, caves served as "home sweet home." Sometimes caves provided protection as well as shelter. At any rate, mankind seems to have always been fascinated by caves. Nothing has changed. We're still fascinated, but modern caving is a great deal safer than caving in earlier times.
People cave for many reasons. Some go caving to learn about the caves. We call them "speleologists." They are geologists who specialize in cave geology. Then there are those who explore caves because of their interest in conservation. Most, however, explore caves for the pure pleasure of seeing the wonders of life below the earth's surface.
We no longer have to use torches or candlelight to venture into these underground wonderlands like our ancestors did. Oh, no; we are blessed with modern technology that makes exploring caves so much easier than it's ever been before.
Getting involved in caving today couldn't be easier. The best and easiest way to get involved in caving is through the National Speleological Society ( NSS ). You can find a local chapter and find experienced cavers who will help train you. They'll even help you find the right type of gear that you need to buy and probably keep you from spending more than you really need to spend.
Modern cavers need to abide by the rules:
- Wear protective headgear and footwear and clothing.
- Check to be sure there is no danger of flooding while you plan to be in the cave.
- Never go alone.
- Make sure someone on the surface knows where you are caving and when to expect you back.
- Each person should carry a minimum of three light sources.
- The cave environment is fragile. Water that flows through a cave comes out in streams and rivers, so any pollution will end up in our drinking water.
- Abide by the cavers motto: Take nothing but pictures! Leave nothing but footprints! Kill nothing but time!
Rock On & Keep Spelunking...
Cave Spelunking.
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