By: Cave Spelunking
The Wabasha Street Caves in St. Paul, Minnesota, appears to be simply a building like many others in the area. It's not. The original building was built in the 1800s. It's original purpose was used for mining silica. The Wabasha Street Caves is actually built into the sandstone caves, and today it is an event hall.
The caves that house the Wabasha Street Caves have a long and storied history. The caves have provided a hideout for gangsters, a place for mushroom farmers to grow their plants, a site for a nightclub, and more.
There are a great many ghostly hauntings of caves reported all over the World. Most of the time the ghosts that are said to haunt caves are described as unhappy spirits of Indians or miners. Usually, they are supposed to be the spirits of someone who was killed in the cave. The ghosts that haunt the Wabasha Street Caves, though, aren't just the usual unhappy and disturbed spirits or Indians, miners, or victims of tragic cave accidents...
The ghosts that haunt the Wabasha Street mines have class! The ghost that is most often reported is an apparition of a man wearing a Panama hat. He's been seen in several different areas of the caves. There's another man who appears, but he's always with a female companion at the bar, usually around 3 AM...
Another female ghost has also been seen roaming through cave passageways at various times of the day and night.
During the 1930s, legend has it that three local gangsters were gunned down in the Wabasha Street Caves. All three of the gangster's ghosts have been seen by children, and one of the gangsters has been seen in full-bodied and solid form by several guests. He suddenly appears right in front of guests and then quickly disappears....spooky!
Rock On & Keep Spelunking...
Cave Spelunking.
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